domingo, 3 de julho de 2016

Be alert and mindul

"If you would be a wise parent

Be careful in all you do and say.

Know that each action, each word

Has its effect.

Be alert and mindful,

Living fully in each presente moment.

Treat your children with courtesy

As you would treat a guest.

Be ready in a moment

To let go of one plan and embark on another

If your inner voice so urges.

Have room within your heart

To hear the voice of both

Your children and your own spirit.

Do not expect fulfillment

From events or people

Outside yourself.

Welcome and accept things as they are.

Welcome and accept children as they are.

Treat yourself with gentle care.

These qualities emerge naturally,

Not by force of will."

William Martin, The parents Tao Te Ching
(um livro que sem qualquer dúvida recomendo)

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